Buchhaltung für Shopify Händler

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Automated Download of Shopify Orders

Odoo-Shopify Connector

The Odoo-Shopify Connector downloads orders periodically (configurable, every hour by default).  At the same time, invoices can be created and left in the DRAFT status.

DRAFT Invoices

Remember: DRAFT invoices have not yet been booked in Accounting Journals. They still have to be "Validated", so that they receive an official invoice number.

Under Sales Channels → Odoo-Shopify Connector → Settings → (Tab) Orders, you can select if DRAFT invoices should be automatically created.

In any case, once a SaleOrder is available in Odoo, creating an Invoice is a 1-click process.

Validation of an Invoice

Assuming that a payment has been received, the Invoice can be "Validated", so that it receives an official (non-editable) Invoice-number.

The Validation is an important step in the order-processing workflow. In this step, Accounting journals are written, separating the total paid amount into net and VAT. The values are written into DATEV confirm SKR-03/04 journals, hence making it easy to calculate the total payable VAT at the end of the month to the Finanzamt.

Cancelling an Invoice

Has a customer called-in to cancel his order, and you are required to issue a full-refund? Odoo allows for cancellation of invoices.

Issuing Complete Refunds

Odoo allows the cancellations of invoices with a simple few-click process. Accounting journals are updated, in the net-revenue as well as VAT deduction, and a Gutschrift is created in the system.

The following video demonstrates the cancellation process.


Issuing Partial Refunds

coming soon..

Outgoing Invoices

Issuing an Invoice

Insert text styles like headers, bold, italic, lists, and fonts with a simple WYSIWYG editor. Flexible and easy to use.

Cancelling an Invoice

Click and change content directly from the front-end: no complex back end to deal with.

Issuing Partial Refunds

Create your page from scratch by dragging and dropping pre-made, fully customizable building blocks.

Incoming Invoices

Paying Vendors

Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes

Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.

Bank Integration

Live Schnittstelle

Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

CAMT Kontoauszüge Upload

Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.

Monatliche MwSt.-Abgaben

Paying Vendors

Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes

Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.

DATEV Integration

Paying Vendors

Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes

Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.

Multi-Channel Bestellungen

Paying Vendors

Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes

Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.

GoDB Compliance

Die GoBD ist eine Richtlinie zur ordnungsgemäßen Führung und Aufbewahrung von Büchern, Aufzeichnungen und Unterlagen in elektronischer Form sowie zum Datenzugriff, die für die deutsche Finanzverwaltung, Steuererklärung und Bilanz relevant ist.

Mit dem Buchhaltungsmodul von Odoo können Sie die GoBD-Richtlinien erfüllen.

Weiter sich informieren →

DATEV Integration

Mit der Integration von DATEV UnternehmenOnline in Odoo stellen Sie sicher, dass die monatlichen Einnahme und Ausgabedaten termingerecht und zu 100% digital an Ihre Steuerberatung übermittelt werden.

Analytische Buchhaltung

Möchten Sie am Monatsende wissen, wie hoch die Marketingausgaben in Ihrem Unternehmen waren, wie hoch die Rentabilität bestimmter Warengruppen war oder wie hoch die Einnahmen durch ein bestimmtes Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung waren?

Odoo ermöglicht Ihnen, analytische Konten zu führen, um intelligente Entscheidungen auf Basis von Echtzeit-Finanzdaten zu treffen..